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Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm


1 min read
Physical Therapy In Home For Fall Risk Patients
In today’s aging society falls among elderly patients happen too often. Mizuta & Associates Physical Therapists assess patients in their...

1 min read
Tips To Stay Well During COVID-19
1. Stay home - social distancing will help flatten the curve. 2. Use telecommunication options - use telehealth options to meet with your...

1 min read
Telehealth PT to Avoid COVID-19
Mizuta PT offer telehealth physical therapy visits throughout the state of California to keep patients feeling safe during the COVID-19 pand

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Letter To Medicare Patients
Mizuta PT brings physical therapy treatment to your home as a convenience. Each of our physical therapist travels with the necessary...

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San Diego Physical Therapists vs. Chiropractors
Oftentimes patients coming to physical therapy ask us the question, “What’s the difference between a chiropractor, a physical therapist;...

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Vestibular & Balance Rehabilitation
“How is physical therapy going to improve my balance?” The general rule of thumb with is “if you don’t use it, you lose it.” However, not...

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Mizuta & Associates Gives San Diego Dancers Advice on Injury Prevention
Mizuta & Associates would like to extend their gratitude to the City Ballet Company for a very warm receptive welcome of Nicole Fox, MPT....

3 min read
How to Avoid Back Pain for Children Wearing Backpacks
With the school year starting soon, many parent’s minds are on back to school shopping. There are a few things parents should know before...

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Driving Ergonomics From a Physical Therapist
Pain with driving is a common complaint in the physical therapy office. We are asked often about the best way to set up a car seat...

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Physical Therapy for Knee Osteoarthritis
It is common practice to see patients in physical therapy within the first week after a total knee replacement, but what about before...

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Planks are a commonly recommended exercise to increase core and abdominal strength. This single exercise works many muscles effectively...

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Time To Exercise
News and Noteworthy! The APTA (American Physical Therapy Association) posted an article summarizing a recently published study from JAMA...

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Ergonomic Evaluations – Fix Your Desk and Fix Your Pain
Did you know that at Mizuta and Associates we offer ergonomic evaluations? While we have companies contract with us to provide ergonomic...

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Do You Suffer From Chronic Low Back Pain?
You are not alone. 80% of Americans will experience low back pain at some point in their life. Prolonged postures and/or repetitive...

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“Stretching” Versus “Warming up”
Stretching or prolonged stretching can be thought of as bringing a specific joint to its end range and holding this position to improve...

3 min read
What to Expect After Rotator Cuff Repair Surgery
Your rotator cuff is a group of four muscles that act to stabilize your shoulder. Each of these muscles attaches to the head of your...

2 min read
So You Have A Shoulder Impingement? What Does That Mean? How Does PT Help?
Quick Anatomy Lesson: There are four muscles that assist the larger deltoid group to lift and lower the arm and are collectively known as...

1 min read
Bankart Repair of The Shoulder
A Bankart lesion is common with anterior shoulder dislocation and can contribute a great deal of shoulder instability. When the shoulder...

2 min read
Post-Partum Physical Therapy: Debunking the Kegel
Did you know that following pregnancy all women in France get a prescription for physical therapy? More than half of women experience...

2 min read
What is BBPV and Why Am I Going to Physical Therapy?
What does it stand for? BPPV stands for Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo. What is BPPV? Now this is usually the part that makes...
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